Friday, October 31, 2008

the life and times of doctor gregory house

on a fine autum evening i setteled in and flipped on the tele and watched a show i like to call house. and as we talked during sociology, men are trained to show no pain fear ro sadness. a prime example is on an episode where a man from cuba rafts over to find house to help his wife. at one point obivelsy is dieing and house could care less about anything else but why. and then comes in his boss cutty. house refuses to pull the plug on this woman whos heart wont start. cutty asks why and house says cause the husband wants to know. cutty states that it is because house cares about this mand and this womsn. but house being a manely man proclaims that he could care less. further pushing the macho man persona.

this plays a huge factor in everyday life. many men in the world feel that if they are not manely then they are worthless. this is why men but suv and hand guns. im not saying that those things are not fun but it is the idea that their "stuff" can kill anyone or run over anything is what makes them, real men.

is this ok for men to feel. we hear all the time that women shouldent feel less of a woman for being a little overweight. that they should accept their body for what it is. but where do people step in and say "hey dudes around the world, go ahead... cry let it out you are not less of a man. like in the scene of fight club in the testicular cancer surviver group, meatloaf says to edward nortan "its ok to cry let it all out". granted that 98% of the movie is about fighting and anarcy. nevertheless men need to show emotions. and as chuck palahniuk said "Love is bullshit. Emotion is bullshit. I am a rock. A jerk. I'm an uncaring asshole and proud of it.”

army of one

-do it your self you dont need any one

hooo raa

Monday, October 20, 2008

guns guts and glory

nowadays we see guns as dangerous. and this is true. guns cause not but trouble. sure when defending freedom we need force, not saying Iraq is about defending freedom, we need to use force.... speak sotly and carry a big stick. but assult or automatic weapons available to the public.... even 9mm weapons to buy at k-mart is crazy bad. this movie shows the true colors of people who when brought up on the issues like people dieing from theese items . they go silent and soft. but it is true that michael moore is a "douchebag:. he attacks people with pointed questions. and while it is our right to bear arms we have no need for a tech nine. thug life!

Monday, October 13, 2008

singing for a reason

maybe those people singing on the street are just looking for someone to sing with not money

what would you sing for

Sunday, October 12, 2008

too slow!?

In life we are so needy for speedy results that we tend to forget to slow down and take a deep breath.

realizing this, I decided to take on the challenge. i set out at 11:00 at night and drove at a steady 15 miles per hour..

now i know this sounds weird but this showed me alot...

1. i found that people will think you are doing illicit things.

ex.1 i was pulled over. the cop was ok with it though

ex2. i saw at least 5 dog walkers and 3 of them asked me if i needed something, the other 2 turned the other way.

2. it is relaxing, take a breath and slow down. you see life in a different way... the trees rustle and you hear the ground dispersing pebbles.

i was followed by a police officer before being pulled over.... he thought i was drunk. i was followed by people who where just impatient and drove past me. one person thought i wanted to race and followed me at the same pace then revved his engine and then took off. he thought i was racing.


so i wonder with all the hustle and bustle of the lives we live do we ever have time to get up... get out.... and go drive 15 miles per hour.

Monday, October 6, 2008

life as we knew it

we are starting to watch the made for TV movie "Tuesdays With Morrie". in this movie Morrie talks about how we spend most of our lives doing something we don't love to gain material possessions we don't need. i feel he applies this to life in a way that is purposefully to life. in life we tend to let all of the precious moments go by because we are stuck doing dead end jobs and will care more about keeping our heads above water. in life i feel that as long as you are an artisan and a citizen then you have fulfilled the basic needs for life.
a teacher i had once said " this isn't a class... its a life style" and i feel this plays a part in the integral role of life. we need not to focus on the "paperwork" of life and live life for he purpose of just being.  i don't mean to preach any pseudo hippie facade with the whole Au natural ideals but it is the root principle. why do we need a piece of paper that says i graduated from Harvard to be successful. if you act on what you know and you don't know how to act you will be both happy and successful.